New Patients 470-999-6489

Current Patients 404-252-1216

47 Perimeter Center East Suite 160 Atlanta, GA 30346

Emergency Dentist Atlanta, GA

Our dentist and team at Sandy Springs Dentistry understand that sometimes the unexpected happens. Because of this, Dr. Maria Benefield is prepared and ready to help should you need emergency dental care. Our team of dental professionals is on call to meet your needs and help restore your oral health. If you need emergency care in Atlanta, Georgia, call us today at 404-252-1216.

Emergency Dentistry Sandy Springs GA

What is a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is a situation that requires prompt attention from a dental professional. At our office, we understand that you cannot always plan when you will need our care. If you experience a dental emergency, we encourage you to contact us as soon as possible. Our team will schedule you to meet with our dentist as soon as we are able so you can receive the care you need. We are happy to care for several types of dental emergencies, including:

Severe, Lasting Toothaches or Tooth Pain

Few things can disrupt your day, like an unrelenting toothache. Whether it’s a sharp, stabbing pain or a dull, persistent ache, tooth pain is usually a sign of something wrong. This means that you likely have an underlying issue that needs immediate attention. We understand the urgency of these situations. Our team is skilled in diagnosing the cause of your pain and providing quick relief. Whether it’s an infection or decay, we will work to restore your comfort and health. 

Lost Dental Restoration (Filling or Crown)

Losing a dental filling or crown can be alarming, especially if it happens unexpectedly. These restorations are crucial for preserving the structure and function of your teeth. When a filling or crown becomes dislodged or falls out, it exposes the vulnerable underlying tooth to further damage and sensitivity. We will make sure that your tooth is protected and restored to its best condition. 

Damage to the Soft Tissues of the Mouth

Injuries to the soft tissues of the mouth, including the tongue, cheeks, lips, and gums, can occur due to accidents, falls, or sports-related mishaps. These injuries often result in pain, swelling, and possibly bleeding. Therefore, it is crucial to seek dental care quickly to assess the extent of the damage. 

Cracked or Fractured Tooth

With a cracked or fractured tooth, you may experience sharp pain or sensitivity. Whether it’s a hairline crack or a more extensive fracture, you need to visit the dentist quickly. We use advanced diagnostic tools to assess the fracture and determine the best treatment option for your unique needs. 

Partially or Fully Knocked-Out Tooth

Maybe one of the most urgent dental emergencies is when a tooth is partially or fully knocked out. Time is crucial in these situations. This is because the chances of saving the tooth decrease rapidly after the injury. With prompt treatment, there is a possibility of re-implanting the tooth and restoring your smile. 

If you suffer from one of these conditions or another type of dental emergency, please contact our office. Our team will also be able to provide you with instructions on how to take care of your smile until you are able to come to our office to meet with us. If you have experienced trauma to the head or neck, we recommend that you visit the emergency room or your general physician before coming to us, even if your smile is also damaged. To learn more about dental emergency care, we invite you to call or visit us today.